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1-2-1 Coaching

Not everyone has the same needs. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same approach to health!

Let’s get to know each other first and see if I can help your reaching your goals.

I offer a Free Discovery Call to find out what suits you best and if you want to take it further.

 If you like to continue we can build your personal Coaching plan.

My 1-2-1 Coaching is for someone who feels they need more individual support with their own Weight Loss Journey.

The 1-2-1 package includes:

  • 2 bi-weekly and then monthly online Coaching meetings

  • weekly checkings via WhatsApp or email

  • Setting realist goals

  • Setting action steps

  • Menu planning

  • weekly check ins if needed via messenger or whatsapp

  • Review of your food diary

  • Help with emotional eating

  • Mindful eating

  • How to improve your willpower

  • Understanding food labels

  • Setting yourself up for a healthy lifestyle and much more​



If you are unsure if this the right plan for you, contact me via email to book your free consultation.

Contact us to book your FREE first consultation here

Starting soon...

Group Coaching

21 Days Reset Programme

I am so excited as we are starting our first 21 Days Reset Programme! 

What can you expect?

You can register now and will get on the waiting list for the next 21-Day Reset Programme.

You will receive the reset guide on Friday before the start date.

On top of the 80 pages of your reset guide - you have got your hands on two incredible bonuses.

1. Access to reset coaching group. 

Once you have paid you get access to a private SUPPORT GROUP ON FACEBOOK! 

Until then you can register to get on the waiting list as there are limited spaces available!

There will be a Welcome Video to watch and a Video to help you navigate within the Guide.

Everything else will make a lot more sense once you have listened to the videos.

Being part of a community and having daily support that understands you and

will hold you accountable will be invaluable and increases your chances of success.

2. Access to coaches that will motivate you to your goals.

It's easy to feel confused about weight loss with so much misinformation.

It's time to be guided by qualified coaches that cut through the nutrition advice. Ready to get cracking?

Everything you need to begin is in your reset guide… Recipes, shopping lists, snack ideas, swap lists…

Get registered now! 

We cannot wait to guide you in the gupport Group!

21 Day Fat Loss Reset Programme
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